Split 7″ Insomnia Isterica / Grossel

Here’s a new slice of rotten Swiss cheese and stinking French tofu on 7”!

Insomnia Isterica presents 6 new raging tracks (in Italian, with English translations) mixing blasting and slower parts, dual (triple or even quadruple?) vocals and a lot of mincing punk. Grossel responds with 4 pieces of mincecore in the best tradition of what grindcore is, cavernous growls and satanic incantations.

Insomnia Isterica is always the same people from the South of Switzerland. Grossel shares members with Whoresnation, Doomsisters, Satan, Black Code, etc. from different regions of France.

Both bands enjoy Agathocles, beer and stupid sports like falling from trees, sniffing Ovomaltine and smoking receipts.

Awesome artwork by Huere Giulio as usual, spiritual coordination by Attila.

Get it for 5 CHF / 4.50 € by writing to:


Other links:

We are very happy of this split release with our mates and we’d like to thank all the people that have helped us out:

-Marco (Zas Autoproduzioni)
-Pablo (Monocanibal Records)
-Hicham (Nuclear Alcoholocaust Records)
-Alastair (At War With False Noise)
-Mounet (Crustatombe Records)
-Alercio and Diego (Red Wine Rites Records)
-Yann (Tocsin Records)

And our own labels:

-Witch Bukkake Records
-Deaf Death Husky Records
-L’è Tütt Folklor Records

Cheers and enjoy noise!

Attila & co.

4 way split 7″ out now!


4 way split 7″ w/ total f*cking destruction / Coffin Birth / Insomnia Isterica / Skruta AVAILABLE NOW!!!

The covers arrived this morning. I’m sorting all preorders out. Get in touch for orders and trades.

Many thanks to Pavel of No Bread Records and to all the other DIY labels that helped us out:
GRINDFATHER PRODUCTIONS / Let The Bastards Grind / Vleesklak Records / Crit De Fàstic Records / Trismus Records / Lazybones Records / ЧОРНЫЕ ТРОПИНКИ / ourselves eheheh.

Get it for 5 CHF / 4.50 € plus shipping.


Attila & co.

Insomnia Isterica, “Alcoholarchy”, Full 7″ out now!

Full 7_Out Now

Insomnia Isterica’s new full 7″ “Alcoholarchy” is out now!
Expect some intense drunken grindcore from the Alps presented to you on bile green and with the best cover artwork that Huere Giulio ever made.

Many thanks to the DIY conspiracy that keeps on helping us out! We are very thankful friends!

If you plan to buy/trade stuff from/with the other labels, get in touch directly with them.


Attila & co.

Price: 5 CHF / 4 €uro.
Contacts: insomnia_isterica@hotmail.com or fb or whatever.

New split 7″ Insomnia Isterica / Exenteration out now!!!

Hi there!

We are very happy to announce that our new split 7″ with Exenteration is out now!
This is our 18th release (I guess…), 6th split 7″ and, more specifically, the 2nd one with another Swiss band after Embalming Theatre. It’s nice to see that also in our tiny Switzerland grindcore is still alive and a serious threat to inner peace.

Thanks a lot to the friends who helped us out:
Marco of Zas Autoproduzioni, Sam of Eastern Blasting Crew, Mänu of Dirt-Fi Records (ex Exenteration bass player) and of course our own labels OMS (by Nagel), Primal Records (by Ray) and ourselves L’è Tütt Folklor Records (it’s healthy to thank yourselves sometimes…).

Write us an e-mail at insomnia_isterica at hotmail dot com or on facebook https://www.facebook.com/insomniaisterica and buy this piece of cow shit for 5 CHF / 4 €uros.

Please note that the other labels will receive their copies in the next few days.

Cheers and keep it dirty!

Attila & IAxIA & LTFR

PS: Soon we’ll upload our songs on bandcamp.

Split exent outnow

New split 7″ Insomnia Isterica / Terror Firmer out now!!!

Hi there!

The new split 7″ between Insomnia Isterica and Terror Firmer is finally out! It is entitled “Alcoholocaust” and is limited to 520 transparent yellow copies.

alcohol out now

I’ve tried to sum up the feeling of this record in a few words:

“Split 7″ number 5 for both IAxIA and TF. Swiss and Italian grinders team up to release an holocaust of alcoholic mystery stories: IAxIA deliver 6 new raging and hysteric tracks without forgetting their punk attitude; TF keep on releasing angry old school grindcore with some thrashcore influences with 5 songs including a FOG cover. All copies come in transparent yellow to emphasize the beer and piss feeling and an awesome artwork.”

You can buy your copy for 5 CHF / 4 €uro (shipping not incl.). Write to insomnia_isterica@hotmail.com / http://www.facebook.com/insomniaisterica or check http://www.discogs.com/seller/marciume.

We also offer the following deals (shipping not incl.):

Split 7″ Insomnia Isterica / Terror Firmer + Split 7″ Insomnia Isterica / Gokurtrussell + “Surprise CD-r” = 10 CHF / 8 €uro

Split 7″ Insomnia Isterica / Terror Firmer + Split 7″ Insomnia Isterica / Gokurtrussell + Supergrinding 6 way split CD (feat. Biotox / Genital Orgasm / Insomnia Isterica / Lactovaginal / Pulmonary Fibrosis / Sposa In Alto Mare) = 16 CHF / 13.30 €uro 

Split 7″ Insomnia Isterica / Terror Firmer + Split 7″ Insomnia Isterica / Gokurtrussell + Supergrinding 6 way split CD (feat. Biotox / Genital Orgasm / Insomnia Isterica / Lactovaginal / Pulmonary Fibrosis / Sposa In Alto Mare) + L’è Tütt Folklor Records trucker hat = 26 CHF / 21.60 €uro 

(Sorry for the stupid fucking currencies… They’re killing us…)

If you wanna trade, please get in touch with your offer. Since the other labels that helped us putting the 7″ out still have to receive their copies (see flyer above), consider if you wanna trade with them if you are already usually doing so, so that we can keep it “honest”.

Thanks a lot for your support and cheers!

Alcoholocaust and grindcore über alles!!!

Attila & LTFR & IAxIA

_MG_8947 _MG_8955 _MG_8958 _MG_8961 _MG_8962 _MG_8964 _MG_8965

PS: here are 2 promo (video)songs…

Stream and/or download the whole 7″ on bandcamp for free!!! 

Vinylmania – When Life Runs At 33 Revolutions Per Minute + Taste Of Blood

Mi sono agitato non poco quando sono venuto a conoscenza di questo documentario dedicato agli amanti del vinile e della musica su vinile. Non posso di certo vantare la grandezza delle collezioni esposte in questo film, ma l’empatia e la frustrazione provata da molti amanti del collezionismo ad oltranza e spesso incontrollato di dischi non mi ha lasciato senza un certo tremolio intestinale.

L’autore di “Vinylmania” è uno che, come si usa dire, gira da un pezzo e le sue esperienze nel djing e nella sonorizzazione anche in ambienti televisivi aiuta lo svolgersi dell’azione che prende luogo in Europa, America e Giappone.

Molti gli artisti e i collezionisti che si aprono anche molto intimamente e che espongono con grande orgoglio i propri cimeli e di grande impatto le discussioni che nascono e si sviluppano con l’autore che non si perde mai in facili divagazioni, bensì riesce a seguire un fil rouge che permette anche ai non iniziati all’amore del vinile di ritrovarsi in questa esperienza non solo sonora ma anche visiva.


Sito ufficiale:


Per chi parla tedesco e/o francese potete tranquillamente già godervelo in streaming dagli archivi di ARTE:


Gli autori hanno lanciato una raccolta fondi su kickstarter per la produzione in dvd del film. La bella notizia è che ci sono riusciti. Non pensavo ce la facessero, visto che solo nell’ultimo giorno si sono lanciati i grossi investitori…


PS: Grandi emozioni nel vedere il disco degli Eyehategod all’11° minuto.


Da ARTE (Deutsch):

“Von Tokio bis New York, London, Paris und Prag begegnet man dem rätselhaften Stamm der Sammler, DJs, Musiker und Künstler. Es gibt wieder Geschäfte, in denen sich Leidenschaft in Fieber verwandelt und eine Fabrik, die wieder Millionen Scheiben presst – die Schallplatte ist zurück und das leise Knistern ist wieder da! Woher kommt dieses Revival der totgesagten schwarzen Scheibe?
Was entdecken junge Leute an der Schallplatte, die zwar nie ganz weg war, aber doch eher als Relikt für unverbesserliche Nostalgiker galt? Nun will so mancher der Jugendlichen, die mit unendlich reproduzier- und kopierbaren Musikdateien aufgewachsen sind, dem sinnlichen und emotionalen Geheimnis dieser zerbrechlichen Scheibe näher kommen. Was die Schallplatten-Maniacs immer wussten: “Vinyl doesn’t die” wird jetzt von denen bestätigt, die Schallplatten cool finden.
Paolo Campana, Autor und Regisseur von “Vinylmania”, ist selbst DJ, die Platten sind sein Handwerkszeug und seine große Liebe. Und allabendlich kommt er mit jungen Leuten ins Gespräch, die sich über die Generationen hinweg interessieren für die Geschichten, die Plattenfans, Musiker und Künstler mit dem Objekt ihrer Begierde verbindet. Natürlich ist das Revival der Schallplatte kein Massenphänomen – wohl aber eines, das eine große Sehnsucht nach Sinnlichkeit zum Ausdruck bringt. Denn im Gegensatz zu einer MP3-Datei kann man die Platte anfassen, scratchen und mit einem stilechten Cover versehen. Und vor allem verbinden sich mit ihr für diejenigen, die mit der Scheibe aufgewachsen sind, häufig die wichtigen Geschichten des Lebens.
“Vinylmania” macht sich auf die Suche nach der alten und neuen Leidenschaft für dieses Objekt und legt die Welt der Vinylisten in 33 1/3 Umdrehungen pro Minute noch einmal neu auf.

(Italien, 2010, 75mn)”


“Vous pensiez que, dans notre monde numérisé, les disques vinyles étaient anachroniques, en voie de disparition ? Eh bien, détrompez-vous : ils se portent bien ! Comment expliquer ce renouveau ? S’agit-il d’une réaction à la culture du zapping représentée par l’iPod et le MP3 ? Quelque chose de l’ordre de la nostalgie ou de la quête d’identité ? Le réalisateur Paolo Campana, qui possède lui-même plus de trois mille vinyles, enquête sur ce qu’il considère comme un phénomène culturel. Un étonnant voyage dans lequel se croisent les témoignages de disquaires, de DJ, d’artistes, de collectionneurs, d’adolescents, d’experts, d’amoureux de la musique…

(Italie, 2010, 75mn)”

Aggiungo un video dei Taste Of Blood. Primo concerto in assoluto e ovviamente in Fiaska.
